Listening to Poshlaya Molly very loudly right now it always puts me in a good mood thanks Kirill 🫶
My friend who said was gonna get a vape like a month ago finally got one and brought it to school
He was showing it off to everyone like it was his biggest achievement and then asked me and Zay to go to the bathroom with him to smoke
When we got there, he offered us a hit but we rejected it (hell no I'm not risking getting caught) and then some dudes saw us and gave us a judging stare........... I'm innocent I'm just giving my friends some company....
Once break was over, we went back to class and a few minutes later the principal called my friend and he left our class.
LOL when he came back he said his sister found out about him having a vape and scolded him. His mother was called but she had to head back to work soon so all she did was tell Sebas he was DEAD.
Bahahah he probably got scolded badly at home
He's always online on instagram but he's not today.... They probably took away his devices or something.
Before school was over he said he threw away his lung destroyer device and that he was gonna get a new one tomorrow anyway. Addicted at 15 smh
My hair is getting to the length I like heheheh
@Thesak✨ but you know what isnt the best procrastinating to a 3 month hiatus