I finally mowed through


All pre-hardmode bosses in Terraria.
Except for Brain of Cuthulu, since his biome isn't in my world, and King Slime, because he doesn't further game progression and doesn't need to be fought, and Wall of Flesh, because I'm still working my way up to him.
I haven't even found Hell yet, that's where he's supposed to spawn.
And I'm certain he's next, since some of the NPCs are talking about the Guide Voodoo doll. And the Guide himself (who is named Steve wtf it's an oddly adorable and fitting name for him wjegwjebehggkg) was talking about a "living sacrifice" and summoning the "Keeper of the Underworld".
So yeah WoF is next. Big scary bastard.

Also can I just mention that Wall of Flesh's shortened title sounds a lot like the start of waffles-

  • Published Published December 31, 2018, 10:33
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in my nerd ass
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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<3 :)))