

don't wanna work on this much more as it's not an idea I'm that married to - don't like the framing and cba to change the size and re-position everything but I'm happy with how it looks - currently need music suggestions and animation ideas >.< HOw. DO. YOU. MAKE. IT. LOOK. NATURAL. NEED TO LEARN. I like my style of animating but also kinda hate it lol I mean, Jesus, I had a friggin' layer for knees. KNEES. I HAVE NO ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS. HOW AM I EVER GOING TO BE AN ADULT? I want to animate bigger action pieces, but figuring out the positioning and transitions is TT^TT Also. Must. Stop. Using. Myself. To. Figure. Out. How. Bodies. Move. I look like an idiot just waving my arms in front of my computer.

  • Published April 05, 2020, 15:06
  • in Open Ocean
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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