it 100% gay how is it not gay its rainbow nothing else is on the rainbow except gay gay its gay its not me im not gay but gay is gay and gay im not homophobic i just say gay gay gay and gay but gay so gay went to gay and did a gay bye bye gay
pls gay dont gay call gay me gay a gay homophobic gay its gay a gay joke gay and gay anyways gay u gay have gay no gay evidence gay in gay the gay piece gay of gay text gay that gay i gay homophobe
@GreenHoodiedAnimator okok lolGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Stanced igill try to do it
ill tell you when i start (if i start)
@GreenHoodiedAnimator oof 💀thereis still second and third tho lol
@Stanced i might not make itplus i think we all know who won 💀
@Pop @AmbienccAbySs @GreenHoodiedAnimator remember due date in 3 daysjust reminder lol
@Pop just check updated versionthe 20th
When is the due date?StarMoonlight
its' not too late to enter is it?Stanced
@AmbienccAbySs alrAmbienccAbySs
Imma join, looks funStanced
@GreenHoodiedAnimator np B)GreenHoodiedAnimator
@Stanced well tyStanced
@GreenHoodiedAnimator ik but I will waitGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Stanced you don't rly have to if you don't want to so go ahead and close wheneverStanced
@GreenHoodiedAnimator oh ye lol wasn't thinking abt closing timeill keep it available for u
here :D for your contest!GreenHoodiedAnimator
nvm i have no timeif its still open next weekend then maybe ill do it.
dont wait for me tho
ima try and do itdrumcat
im assuming you cant use different shades of these colorsdrumcat
1. whens it due2. does it have to be on drawn
@♠Memənt0-Möri XDStanced
@♠Memənt0-Möri okif u do good u still get the prize tho sooooo