**These might be two new OC's**
Ok so Calian (on the left) is part of an ancient celestial group known as the Quasars. Nuri (Right) was a Binary dragon created to protect and or serve Calian, she's basically there to guide him or help him if he ever needs to be, though her main purpose is to fight evil along side him. Now going back to the Quasar warrior group, they were created to fight off an evil in the Universe, what is this evil exactly? It goes by many names but a simple term for it is Dark matter. Now Calian was the commander in fighting a war against the Dark matter entity, however he quickly lost the war and many of his people were killed in the process, Calian Nuri, they were thrown across the universe due to a massive cosmic wave, and crash landed in the north Atlantic ocean (Earth). Obviously Calian felt guilty as he was the reason thousands were killed in the massive war, Nuri saw how upset and angry he was so in order to preserve his "Courage" or "Strength" she wiped his memory of the war and of who he was as a warrior. But one day those horrifying memories will have to come back to him, as the Dark matter entity will return one day.
(Idk i'm trash at coming up with stories lmao)
@AnonymousTiger5 yes u mayAnonymousTiger
Can I touch the dragon please pleaseXEclipse
@Anadroj-B-J ahahaaaa thankks for loving my cheesy stories xDAnadroj-B-J
EEE so beautiful! (and hush you, the story sounds cool/interesting!)XEclipse
@Raine_Rain @Crisp @Athena97 thankks!!Athena97
Wow!! Love the artwork, and the story is awesome, too!!Maniac
Your artwork has such splendid designs! Your story isnt that bad either.TheBoiRaine
@StarMoonlight Thankk youu!!StarMoonlight
the story-