saying something nice about all my-

By Kaden

-followers hard to imagine im already at 30. also forgive the crappy art I'm at school. @space I don't know a lot about you, but judging from your profile and your epic art, you are nice. @𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫 I just want to say, I really love your art. it's so epic and I hope to be at your level one day @Trash again, I don't personally know you, but I really like your art. keep up the good work @Star_The_Meergon Hey friend. I consider you like, one of my best friends on here, not sure if you consider me the same way, but your art is so awesome and I'm betting I'm gonna tell everyone that, but it's true @unknown_artist you have many accounts, correct:? you're a funny dude and I really like your art style @FluffyFoodPersian AHHH YEAS my other best friend! I enjoy goofing off with you in PM's and your really funny and I like your art. @Petey567 Hello. I don't personally know you that well, but I would like to because you are nice. @poppliotube first off, popplio is my favorite pokemon. you are really good at the simple animations you do. i think they are really cool @Kirbo you are super funny and you have amazing art. don't give up buddy. i know you can get better. @PhinSilver I know I've said this before, but I like your face XD. I also enjoy your art and your super unique art style, plus you are like super duper nice @Rotormoil I really like your art style, and I don't know you all that well XD but maybe I should @RainbowWolfie Hello irl friend. i like your art and I hope you're glad I got you this account. also you're short XD haha anyways I enjoy your company friend @thesak hello I like your style a lot and you are really nice @DinoKing Wow, you draw some really amazing stuff. i am in awe how amazing it is. also i like your username lol @_J_M_ I think you are really funny and you remind me of this kid in my class with a really good sense of humor so yeah @TheDiamondCat Hello. I like your sarcastic attitude and you do the stickman fights right? I like those too. they are super cool @Mcflurrydog I love your username and oh wow, i just looked at your profile you draw a lot of really amazing things! @scottishunicorn I love your art tooooo it's so amazing i can't even. mostly because i don't have a drawing tablet lol @Hyper hello irl cousin. you are enjoyable to hang out with. i'd rather hang out with you than all of my siblings, easy really. but um your art is cool too lol @Virus Hi! I really like your art and you're a cool person! @drumcat you do some stickman stuff too, really cool! also i cant animate so you're already better than me @Midnigh_Music hello. i don't believe we've talked before. but I really like all of your animations! @Heckerdoodles you. you are funny albert fan yes art good e yes. chill : ) @kitti I really love your art it's so cooooool and awesome @RainbowsAndPuffs OMG I love your username and your art its aesthetically pleasing and stuff! @theaeaea omg your are an amazing artist and you only joined this site a couple days ago. i love your art sooooo much @Spooks_ according to me looking at your profile for ten seconds, I deduct you are super funny! even if you don't think that. @WiseKayeoss according to your username you are super wise and stuff and I think you're pretty nice! @ I already love your art and I just discovered you yesterday! i think you deserve more than minnow @-Zuri- ohmigosh i really love your cute art style!!!! you seem really nice too and my last follower, so of course you're nice okay so I realize this is getting pretty repetitive but I was running out of nice things to say

  • Published January 22, 2021, 12:57
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Highs in life
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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