Sad Vibes (vent)


Darker, darker does the path unwind in front of my very eyes. forced to witness something i wish was not my burden put before me. Being an onlooker of great grief grapples with one’s grieving soul, as i grasp for escape, for the gift that is freedom of these burdens. No, no that shan’t be done anymore by me. No, not for but a few more days, they always say. yet, just a few more days later, i am presented with more of the same, arduously painful routines to endure. the only escape shall come to me in months, lest i become sick from stress. neigh, becoming sick would grant me time from my burdens. perhaps illness might be a sorry resolve for me.

  • Published February 08, 2021, 22:32
  • in The Swamp
  • in Vents and or Rants
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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