"yes, hello? drawn editor?"


"yes, yes hi, its me, um.. yeah.. I'd like to leave a complaint..?" yes howdy guys, I'm currently suffering from audio poisoning. I have recently noticed that the drawn editor has been screwing up a lot about small things. normally, I would look past it, cause this place is still in the works. but I've found a very large and annoying bug that makes me feel as if I'm playing a stressful and anger-inducing game, and it mains with audio. when I playback my WIP with music in the editor, the animation will speed up while the audio will constantly stop, and fade out and into the animation. the animation is at 12 FPS, while when playing with the audio, it looks as if its 20+ FPS. its all very strange and infuriating. the only way I can see how it really looks, is if I save it as a WIP and play it outside of the editor. so its twice, maybe even triple times the work just to see how 3 frames look together every 5 minutes. sorry if this made no sense, I'm bad at explaining things, all I know is that I'm GRR and I wanna quit this music animation that I've been working on for around 5 months now.

  • Published May 16, 2020, 14:59
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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