So @Small_Radishes is having a contest where you can only use one color of your choice and black&white for your image. While this is NOT my final entry, I wanted to test out how I could get different shades w/ only one color using different opacity layers! I used black for the shading plus some parts of the lineart, and used white for highlights. The rest of the image was made w/ only using #0b092b as my color!
@Anadroj-B-J ooo i just got the xmas easter egg yay now i have 649 koinsonia
@Anadroj-B-J :) im excited to see what you come p with for the final contest!Anadroj-B-J
@Small_Radishes Thanks!sonia
OOOO I really like this!TwixLovez
lol thanks UwUAnadroj-B-J
@TwixLovez Lol yeah I can see whatcha mean! Also that's a really cool song! I love electro swing lol!TwixLovez
this picture reminds me of the "Posin'" remix song ;w;. I literally love that song and this picture describes the song so well LOL
@ClaytonR Thanks!ClaytonR
Very dynamic!Anadroj-B-J
@Kailey_Kat Thanks!Kailey_Kat
wow this is amazing!