
By Hoodie

Bruh why do so many things mess my birthday up. HoW do I celebrate my LIFE when were celebrating Jesus’s DEATH? Like please- I’m mostly joking, i dont really mind it it’s just funny and my birthday is always during lent- always. w h y I also told my mom i ate crackers for breakfast and thats it but i secretly ate a cookie :0 so sneaky - also definitely didnt spend a good 30 minutes looking at a stupid fricking Snapchat story talking about Trisha paytas coming out as like 5 different sexualities. Anyways, how is everyone today! And uhm... favorite video game is the question for today :) Hope your eating, drinking, and sleeping! You matter <3 ^^

  • Published February 17, 2021, 11:44
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Extras
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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