The Move To Nevada: 1

By _J_M_

Eli, getting in car. Eli: Heyo Ethan. Ethan: Howdy kid. You excited for the move? Eli: yeah- I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but just never got around to doing it. Ethan: That's good. Welp, off we go… Ethan turns on the radio for Eli to play some tunes -About 20 minutes later- Ethan: So hey, since it's been a minute since I’ve seen ya, any updates on the ol’ love-life? Eli: Yes actually- I finally found someone. Ethan: Oh Really? Hows she feel 'bout you moving to Nevada? Eli: Oh… well. Uhm . heh. He’s actually fine with it, but he’s driving there himself. They stop at a stoplight, and Ethan turns to look at Eli Ethan: “he”? Eli: Yeah- Uh…. Eli Chuckles nervously Ethan:… well, I’m glad for you. Ethan looks back to the road. Ethan: Didn't think you where… well… Interested in that stuff Eli: What stuff? Like me- Ethan: No- like- I didn't think you where into anything really, y’know- sexual Eli laughs a bit Eli: No, I’m quite the opposite if anything Ethan gives eli a concerned look, but quickly stops as he has to continue driving. Eli: Not like that! Sorry- I just meant that- like- I’m kinda interested in everyone- y’know- Ethan: Ahhh, ok, For a moment I thought your old scars where getting to ya’ Eli: No, no. Nothing like that. . . so How's your love life going? Ethan: Eli, you know how it's going- Eli: What? Ethan: What's happening in two weeks from now Eli? Eli thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers Eli: Oh Shoot! Your wedding! Ethan: Yeah. Eli laughs at himself Eli: Sorry about that, I forgot. Ethan: It's fine. Eli: but still, how're things going between you and her at the moment? Ethan: Oh, they're going great. If I could, I’d gush to you about just how sweet and kind she is, but I don't exactly wanna have a wreck. Eli chuckles Eli: Alrighty.

  • Published July 18, 2021, 11:14
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Special Lore
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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