I’ll probably be putting the prizes on hold-
A: I need to practice drawin thicc ladies first-
B:I have absolutely no motivation to make them, and it’s been stopping me from making any decent art.
I’ll get to it eventually, I promise, but I’ll be putting it on hold.
I really need to get back into the swing-of-things.
There’ll probably be a lot more storyline stuff coming out for B.E.A.S.T.
A lot more lore too.
I really wanna start off the series with Wally, Since he is a “main Character”
But I kinda wanna write and draw
To put it simple.
Eli’s a starving music artist with some seriously bad depression. Mason’s his triplet brother, whom lives with him, and does comic illustrations for a living, he’s fairly successful. Steve is the third triplet, and while he used to work with Eli in music, he’d gotten popular and began making his own. Eli has nothing against Steve for this either, though- mason does-.
Stephen is someone who builds guns for a living. Suicidal at worst, and distant at best. The only thing keeping him from ending it all is that he has no one to take his place. That and his brother Ethan- he’s very cold and emotionless on the outside- but could honestly use a hug more than anything on the inside-
Ethan’s a widower-the single father of Andy and Angelica. Andy and Ethan have good relations and are fairly close as Andy grows to an adult, yet Angelica despises her father for reasons she won’t specify. Ethan’s a technician who’s a huge snuggle bug. Andy’s... unpredictable. And Angelica is just fairly rude-
Milo and Herald Are part of “The Boys” which is Milo, herald, and Ethan. Milo’s a surgeon with a really Messed up past- and Herald’s a married male stripper- Milo is often herald’s escort to bars, but him and herald hang out quite a lot outside of the bar. Some good-ole best-friend banter is often what they engage in, making fun of eachother while also supporting eachother.
So tell me- which one would you like to see?
@WolfHats <33satansassgremlin
@Sushi mmMM <33Sushi
@WolfHats You're wrong,, <33satansassgremlin
@Sushi >:0 it is though but im glad u like it <33Sushi
@WolfHats It isn't bad >:0satansassgremlin
@Sushi <3 im sorry this is so bad lolSushi