I see a lot of self-deprecating artists who don't like any of their art or when they like: mess up in a sketchbook they think they're a complete fuck up and get rid of the entire drawing. And I just kinda wanted to put it out there that like. That aint true. There's a quote I like a lot by Walt Stanchfield and it's: “We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us. The sooner we get them out the better.” My art aint the best but I just accept that? Because the sooner I accept that the more pumped I am to actually improve. Self-depreciation is really unhealthy. I understand it can be a fun joke to make, which is totally fine. But doing it 24/7 really makes you believe that you're incapable of the smallest task. So maybe stop doing that for future reference. If you want to improve on something please be my guest and look up a video. You can be really specific as well, like: "How to draw the femur bone" or "how to draw an eyeball." There's a lot of resources we have out there and sitting around ignoring all the possibilities and chances you have to improve: wont help you. Especially if you ignore them while complaining. Here's a drawing I did three years ago: https://prnt.sc/nv833c Vs a more recent piece of mine: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/573340616843591681/579687819048648721/Peacekeeper.png?width=171&height=427 Not to toot my own horn but there's clearly improvement (with lots of room to improve) and if you're able to make a tiny change then who's to say you cant make one bigger. Seeing only the negative in a drawing brings out all the hate and toxic energy you have surrounding your art, and it never leaves any room for you to be able to see the good. Vice versa too. If you only see the positives in something- you'll never be able to make it better by seeing what could you work on.