I don't really understand this ship, since Shinsou and Denki didn't really have any meaningful meetings, BUT ITS CUTE so ill draw it anyways
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@eagle kkshark.fang
@FenderBender just look it up on youtube there to complicated to explain in text onlyskootRus
@eagle .w.?shark.fang
@FenderBender do you know what key frames areskootRus
@Bloopzafosh >u< thanks!Bloopzafosh
thats so cool!skootRus
i promised myself that when i hit 100 follows, i would start working on animations. if anybody with some experience has any tips for me, please share!! im figuring this out as i go, and im still pretty confused ;w;