uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wth?


so by flare and clayton's amount of followers it seems to be more than 200 people are on here in total, even though school should be out for everyone rn, only >20< people are on, this site is pretty much acting dead, anyone know why? flipanim can potentially be the problem. toonator can't do anything due to being Dead. this site has great stuff, and it hurts me to see >20< out of more than 200 are not on. what's going on though..

  • Published Published July 31, 2019, 10:07
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 7

You gotta have an account (and be logged in) to add comments. I know: bummer, right?

Supreme CommanderClaytonR

@Anadroj-B-J That's a very good possibility, too. A vast number of beta requests were from email addresses belonging to students in US schools.

For the record, in Canada school ends the last weekday of June and typically starts up again in the first or second week of September (sometimes the last week of August).


I honestly think a big part of the problem is that most of the people that used this website were using school owned computers/laptops/chromebooks instead of the ones they may've had at home (mostly due to parental control). And since most schools are out from May/June to August/September (in the USA at least), they just went on hiatus until school comes back. At least that's what I've come to think anyway idk.

Supreme CommanderClaytonR

I've wondered about this too; there are over 1000 registered members on the site but I don't think I've seen the count of concurrent users reach (or go above) 30. Some of it could be timezone-related, as we have users in Russia and Australia coming on after us western-hemisphere people have gone to get. Some of it could be people busy with summer.

My plans to go live in July and start heavily advertising the site have been delayed due to family commitments. I have big editor updates in the pipe but I'm still a few man-days away from releasing them, then I can focus on all the little things that are needed before I go live.


@Flare-aamon and some may have forgotten this place exists or are just too busy


Some people have multiple accounts


@Mcflurrydog maybe the parent one. I don't think there's a new website open rn


people cheat on animations like in real life. they like one website and love it for a long time, but when people aren't looking, they switch to the newest site and then the old one loses all it's people. or, their family members dont want them on.