Here's the birb ref:
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
looks great keep up the good workNightblade
@RotorMoil yo dude! thanks lolNightblade
@NaniQuackity yea it took a while lolNaniac
@Nightblade oooo, nice!Nightblade
@NaniQuackity I got the colors from an online color inverter, I also had a layer with the inverted line art and erased and added bit by bitNaniac
yooo how did u do the inverted stuff? :0Nightblade
@TheMaineAnimator @B1zarr3 @DogandCat thanks yall!!@RiftyMinh lmaoo
Whoa, this is epic and beautiful at the SAME time!RiftyMinh
my eyes helpB1zarr3
This is absolutely beautifulTheMaineAnimator
@GreenHoodiedAnimator it's oke lmaoGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Nightblade oh crap reallysorry for reposting it then 💀
np lol
@GreenHoodiedAnimator I actually have seen it lol,n and thanks!@iababa thank you dude!
oh this is super well done, gjgj the music is a nice touch :OGreenHoodiedAnimator
also really cool thingyGreenHoodiedAnimator
i made you a song for nightblade day but you never saw it so ill give it to you right here.actually it's a wip but still
@Nightblade I'll play it one day,, and you're welcome!Nightblade
@Roseken yea it has that very nostalgic quality to it. also what are you doing bro you gotta get on playing that. thanks for the trophy too!Roseken
I've never even played Mario 64 and the songs giving me nostalgiaNightblade
@Anadroj-B-J thanks man!Anadroj-B-J
This is really cool!Nightblade
@Awkward__Artist thanks for the trophy dude!@poppliotube haha thanks lol
THE MUSIC AHH- That aside this is so fricken amazing holyNightblade
@Hyper thanks for fishbowl man!@StarMoonlight haha thanks lol, and thanks for the trophy
ok wut this is actually really cool qopweurBionicle.exe