-Me in the a$$
Last night(I was at a friends house with a few other people and meh twin) I was complaining about feelings,how they are weird and hard to understand and about how sometimes they can ruin sh1t but we still need them,ya know
And then today one of my friends texted me saying they like me more than a friend
I said I’ll call them later because I know I like them only as a friend and idk if my feelings for another person is a crush or what and this has never happened to me before and idk what to do and I don’t want to hurt them or anything and ahhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuucccckkkkk
What sucks is meh twin and a few other people read the message and started buggin me about it and I spilled my possible crush thing to them and I don’t want to talk about all this with them and I also don’t want them to bug my friend that confessed because that will just make it awkward and idk what to dooooooooo p-p
This is somewhat unrelated but there is the fact that I didn’t even know my friend who confessed to me was gay or at the very least queeer and idk
Welcome back!rockjjing
uwu !!