You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@Awkward__Artist him and shadow mixed but it turned out as a totally different being instead of one or the other controlling everythingAwkward__Artist
What has Wilson done?Roseken
@Eden_Draws heheheheEden_Draws
im offended by this man looking at me like he gonna kill me XDDDDDRoseken
@NJTheBigGay :))))))NJTheBigGay
How rude ;(Hoodie
@Roseken ARSON POGRoseken
@DepressoGoatBoy yes yes i will allow this @NJTheBigGay go away ill do school eventually @qijy @Bruizer the big spookFrøsty
oh no spooky eyesNJTheBigGay
Do your school ya frick - also kewl B)DepressoGoatBoy
i want to commit arson with himDepressoGoatBoy
very poggersDepressoGoatBoy