Ayy wassup @Nova!Kun you really haven't been here for some time
uh so I've seen it was continuable and wanted to do like a neighbourly kinda thing? A welcoming party?
I have a cupcake and all
If not that's fine, even if you're just checking back you can have the cupcake
I'm sorry if this comes off as creepy or in your face or anything because I've never really known you but I'm trying to be nice, drawn's community is a cult anyways
I. can't bake cupcakes
@Blatzz correctionGOOD.
@Simblime correctionTHEY will find him
@Blatzz goodBlatzz
@Simblime dw ima find him lolBlatzz
@FreezingFlames keep choking and youll eventually (not) survive 👍Simblime
whoever that dude interrupting the video was dont help him >:(FreezingFlames
what to do if choking and dyingBlatzz
Ur insane! Thank you!
@SwagTomato sameBlatzz
@TheBoiRaine your welcomeSwagTomato
I also love doing human activites like eating the food and digesting with my intestineTheBoiRaine
thanks this is a very informative video