Insanity is just Nik but a lot more INSANE(Don't forget about the one part.) this version of Insanity has complete control of Nik's body but Nik's Body is destroying itself and Fixing itself at the same time as for the newest version of Insanity he's just a part of Nik's body and if one of them is killed the other two die but both Insanity's LOVE to eat people(AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY SO GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER) but both are created by a gene that split's Nik into three and Niki into two people Nik being split into
Violent Nik
And Insanity
and Niki being split into
and Insane Niki
and a few more things about Insanity is that he alway's has a smile on his face (Hey just like Joker!) and the last thing is βββ πββ‘ ββ π§ββ βββ‘ π§ββπ±π―π§ π§π£ββΉββ β βπ§ βββ πββ‘ ββββ‘ ββΉβΉ πββπ¬