the magic of friends. (vent)?


talking more regularly with a friend that has been a bit distant for a few months has been wonderful. i forgot just how very much i enjoyed typing away to him, and seeing how he types. i know i whole-heartedly missed it. gushy mushy? sHOOSH! i know- but he means a lot a lot to me, he's taught me things my parents didn't about mental health, and that it is really, honestly okay not to crush on boys, and that i shouldn't be ashamed for who i like, or who i am. that, sometimes, my mother's actions are whack, and honestly sometimes bad, but i didn't realize it because i am being sheltered from a lot of the outside world. Being fed not so good things, and that some of the morals she tried teaching me are corrupt and wrong. that, i should try and be strong and stand against her. not to give in and be so dormant and just take it all the time, that i have worth and deserve to have healthy friendships. because, well, just two years ago i didn't know what a healthy relationship was supposed to be. that, he talked me through things with a bluntness that i could understand, and grow from. sure, others may have thought it was mean not to sugar coat things, but i can't understand something unless it is hitting me in the face. i wasn't raised with sugar-coated truth, just the unsweetened, bitter stuff. i really appreciate all he has done for me. i do not think i can ever repay him for how much the things he has done for me means to me. he's like the older brother i wish my actual brother was like.

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