Dunno still hurts n feels like shit


Idk what's wrong with me and why I feel so bad. Positives. Joshy said he was actually able to take his boyfriend who whell call bb whale out on a date and their relationship has become a lot less toxic. Positive. I helped lily with her homework with the teacher and I think she was able to graduate. Positive my teacher got her doctrines degree or PhD Positive. My chat platform to the school reached 225 teachers and princables. The head speed director and head of the school district. Positive. Amyah cried over me. She was able to keep me as her friend. I'm still allowed to be her gay best friend Positive. Kenny didn't get his girlfriend but he's happy anyways and has somebody to help him battle his depression. Positive. Two babies on the way. Positive. Plants are looking happy. Why am I like this? Why am I so scared. I'm mortified and I don't even know why. I'm hurt and I don't even know why. God it hurts like hell like I got emotionally wounded today. I did I remember it but I shouldn't have gotten wounded like that?? Positive. I came up with a nice sounding melody o a u tuned guitar Positive. I got to talk to Tyler today. Positive. My gecko is learning more. Positive. Friends are recovering. Positive. I remembered a good memory with my bio dad. Positive I saw a baby pitbull Positive. I got hurt this morning and am feeling a little better. Positive. I found a old Doberman oc. Positive. I'm gonna be allowed to date soon.

  • Published July 12, 2020, 22:48
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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