can i get drawing advice? (desc)


Ok, so i would really like to figure out a bit more on how to draw guys and their anatomy. I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring out a technique of how to draw their figures and such and how to sketch them out. And refs aren't helping all that much. And pls give some actual advice. I'm tired of hearing "Oh just practice" or "look at refs" or some stupid shiz like that. That advice actually isn't helpful to any growing artists, and it's actually proven that those kinds of advice isn't always the best. I've watched countless videos of ppl complaining that to just tell a small artist to only practice or even trace drawings, are not helpful advice. Please give me something in depth, actual techniques. Or even what kind of shapes i should use. And maybe what i should study and observe to get an idea on how the male body works. So, if u do say look at refs, at least tell me what kind of refs are most helpful, and what helped u maybe. Idk. I just want detailed advice pls

  • Published June 09, 2021, 19:54
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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