Just started playing Hollow Knight!


eee, it seems like such a great game! I got to play it thanks to my friend. We use this thing called remote desktop control and i get to play it on his computer >w< The graphics and everything are b e a u t i f u l no wonder ppl love this game! eee, and there's so many different ways in this game. Like so many rooms to discover and stuff. Tho there are a few worm things that i wish i could interact with but i can't? Like idk it's hard to explain i love these types of games where u control the character from this kind of distance and like all the surroundings that are closer to the play are darker and like it adds just depth and surroundings to the game. If u get what i mean. (this isn't a screenshot, i just kinda took it from images lol) https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/hollow-knight-wiki/a/ae/Opening_1.png?width=1280

  • Published March 06, 2021, 19:58
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
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