just some notes dont mind me


none of this'll make any sense to the people who don't know anything about my story--so just ignore this if you're one of those people unless you wanna read then go for it idc -make a character with vitiligo -make a blind bby -also make a deaf bby -make Rose trans you heckin heck -maybe Ari and Mona were abandoned and that's why Link is so determined to take them in cause he was as well--? idk -Sunny's still a hoe -make a character that maybe works for the organization that somehow earns the main group's trust but ultimately ends up betraying them in some way -figure out how the fUCk any of these characters are gonna make sense -squirrel commentary is def still a thing -cause Mitch and Virus are idiots -how tf is Virus' death gonna work?? like is he still gonna yeet off a cliff and all that shit or would he do it a different way since they have more access to different stuff as humans (like guns, knives, rope, all that shit that Virus could use to d i e) -is Virus still gonna literally be on fire orrrrr... -also now Virus being a tiny boi would make sense so---fite me @R0seKen -idk if Rip and Link would really make any sense?? Or maybe the three girls are really bitchy and shit but Riptide is a lot more quiet and chill (and also tolerant *cOUgH*) -everyone just is sitting around the fire at night, all quiet and relaxed, but then someone just whips out a guitar and starts belting out a bunch of stupid songs -Ghost needs to live longer---but only because humans last a lot longer than wolves do and he wouldn't get any development if he gets killed off when hes a month old -jfc just realized how many kids Laika has -like dude she had f i v e -damn Onyx a horny mf okay then -all the characters need to keep all their weird traits they have in the original story--like Ari's wings -still don't know if i should set Virus on fire for eternity though -yeet yeet different accents/nationalities would make more sense now hell yeah -organization would be even more assholey cause they're locking up LITERAL HUMAN BEINGS AND EXPERIMENTING ON THEM but damn it just be like that sometimes -bbys need a camp cook ÒwÓ yeet okay that's probably all for now--

  • Published April 02, 2019, 18:31
  • in Kiddie Pool
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