Sociability. (rant.)


the worst feeling in the world, is being in a public setting, say school, and being alone, and ignored. but, when you voice it, the ones who go to talk to you are the “do-good-ers,” shallow people that would have never even thought about talking to you, because you do not exist to them. however, they decide to go up and start a conversation with you, and realize mid-conversation that them falling you their friend, is a woefully wrong statement, because they truly do not like you. they use that false label to make themselves cooler, being friends with the outcast. no, they would never talk to you outside of that situation. they would rather be with their actual friends. the shallow people that make a face when you ask them a question, or state something with your true person. they are not use to truth, or an honest appearance. they are often the people who wear a lot of makeup, flashy clothes, and speak highly of having a lot of friends...that they hardly know at all. the shallow scumbags that choose a false label, the douches that make a scene for no reason but attention. the bratty girl who looks down at you for wearing “un-stylish” clothing, or the Chad who looks down at you for showing emotion. i hope those people sincerely get a taste of their own persona, and i hope it chokes them, like it does so many people the in-directly hurt, or even if they are bad enough, do on purpose with their acidic personality.

  • Published August 16, 2020, 10:32
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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