I'dLikeToBringSomeStuffTo attention


(Couldn't format the title properly because of reasons.) I know I said it's okay not to follow any strict order, but we should really establish what kind of government we're making before doing anything else. So here are my questions. 1. How many leaders do we have? 2. Does/Do the leader(s) write the laws? 3. How are laws enforced? 4. How are leaders/lawmakers/law enforcers chosen (election? Chosen by the leader(s) who may or may not be elected while they decide who else gets to be in power? etc?) (4.5. Are we gonna try to create a government that's actually functional, or screw around and do whatever the hecc we/the dude(s) in charge want?) I may come up with more questions later.

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  • Published August 29, 2019, 20:25
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
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