Wanna build a government?


I tried doing something like this on Toonator, but it failed miserably, and it might fail again. Who knows? I'm just trying to do something fun.
First of all, we need to decide who's in charge and how laws are made. (Basically figuring out how the system works)
Second, we need to decide who serves what role. (Preferably we focus on the roles related to leaders, lawmakers, and law enforcers)
Then we figure out the other jobs.
Of course we don't have to follow any strict order of deciding how stuff will work, and there's definitely gonna be more stuff that comes up (Like the currency used, the economic system used, how much people get paid, the value of certain jobs, class systems, etc)
And later we can start talking about culture & traditions. Also where is this government located? What's the climate typically like?
I'm probably taking this too seriously.
Hopefully this doesn't result in anything bad happening for whatever reason.

Progress so far:
@AdinESmith Came up with a pretty neat idea for the government system. (not confirmed) (Details found in this post and the first continued post)
@-AshFlame- Came up with another really good idea related to who's in charge. (Details found in first continued post)
@AnonymousTiger5 Potential judge.
@eagle_pie Potential police officer.
@DaleksOfSkaro Potential "distributor of power".
@Holy_Hererasaur potential executioner
@Hell_House Potential prisoner
@LostDiamonds potential person to distribute gulags across the land (This isn't the Soviet Union)
@ClamnClavin Potential administrator/assistant administrator
@ClaytonR Potential emperor.
(I say "Potential" because I don't want to make confirm anything yet.)

Also the government we create doesn't have to be related to/follow the theme of the website.

  • Published Published August 29, 2019, 00:08
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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