some updates


this might be my most anatomically incorrect post ive made yet. not making bases for my shitposts is really smacking me in the ass. little word to a few people whove been pushing, ash is asexual. were never going to have sex. dont tell us to have sex thanks. uwu super excited to post my drawing today, im gonna work on it a lot today. when i get 530 more koin, i wanna make an animated music video for this: not an animatic, i wanna animate it. its a bit fast but im sure ill manage uwu. i love kai dreams, all their songs make me wanna get up and start dancing. forewarning everyone i might be a bit sad or low for a while, something happened yesterday and it fucked me up a bit. ill try keeping my posts normal but there might be a few instances where i retreat to aggie and vent there for a bit. last but not least: ash and i: a loving couple, "nothing can go wrong!!!" everyone: peta jokes me: sweats "ash doesnt have a human persona guys he only has fursonas hwh whh and im bad at drawing furries so i c=just draw him as a dog----- its not like i draw us doing anything bad ofwgfwgfg"

  • Published December 07, 2018, 06:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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