users i think are underrated


this will include a list of users who i think deserve more followers and/or deserve a rankup to sushi (in no particular order) 1st being @sandyBeepis , not that i think shes underrated, she has 114 followers which she very much deserves and earned fairly. only thing is, this bean works so fucking hard on her art and STILL has not gotten a rankup. she has made more colored posts than i have in the last month and she still hasnt gotten what she rightfully deserves. some samples of great images done by her: and mind you these arent even all my favorite drawings from her, she makes such good art and so fucking much of it that i cant keep up, and usually i only include 2 exceptional drawings as examples but, beepis really deserves this rankup and im gonna fucking fight for it. 2nd is @BuffedDoggo!! , who i not only think is underrated because they only have 39 followers (granted they havent been on her long, but still, at least 50 followers by now??), AND theyre still minnow!! buffed makes very vibrant and colorful works, with decent lineart and not to mention the variation in concepts in characters??? fucking bravo buffed youre extremely talented and creative. and just to add icing to the cake, theyre very good and natural with interacting with their fans and socializing, as well as making jokes and their shitposts crack me up all the time. heres an album of my personal favorite set of pieces from them: i love the contrast and simple storytelling, and i dont think i would have ever thought of making a terrifying gradient effect on a character to make it more intimidating, thats genius in its own way. heres some of my other favorite pieces from buffed: 3rd is @mussyponster please give this man a rankup and mORE FOLLOWERS i adore his lineless art its amazing, and he draws lineless so efficiently!! he seriously deserves more credit than what hes getting. his backgrounds provide an expressive atmosphere and his characters are also very expressive!!! but, enough of me talking, ill let his art explain everything for you: oh and, small note, hes interested in being a mod. so uh, clayton, if youre reading this, pls give him mod. i believe he would be very good at it. he has a big heart and a calm attitude, hed be prefect for helping out around the site a bit. not to mention hes active!! the other mods have not been very active whatsoever, i think some new additions to your moderator team could help this site out a lot. thats all im willing to write as of now. i have more than a dozen more people i want to talk about but, ill save it for next time. this is my second time shouting out underrated artists, and it wont be the last. with that, please follow the people mentioned above!! theyre all very talented and i adore their work to no ends!!

  • Published December 26, 2018, 21:35
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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