It feels weird when I don't shade purple or hot pink. Hhhhh Anyways, My classes start tomorrow and its only for 2 damn days. that's how it works here. Last names with A-k Mondays and Tuesdays and l-z Wednesdays and Thursdays and everyone's on friday online.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tho not even stressing everythings cool im just too tired to go. TTvTT
@Anadroj-B-J and no worries i like when people educate me <3Hoodie
@Anadroj-B-J indeed! I forget that its based on tragedy whoops-Anadroj-B-J
@Hoodie (sorry for the walltext!) the problem with Shakespeare is that people nowadays associate his work with being "prestigious" and high-brow when that's honestly not true. Iirc I think he was actually considered to be low-brow at the time stuff his was made. His stuff was meant for regular folks to enjoy and have fun with at the time. And I think due to changes in culture and people misconstruing the intention of his work is partially why he seems so confusing to most people now. Like Romeo and Juliet for example is supposed to be a tragedy not a romance. The whole point was to point out how stupid the "love at first sight" was, and how the excessive infighting between the two families is really what got them both killed. But unfortunately some people saw that and thought it actually was romantic for some weird reason, and now people think it's supposed to be romantic when it never was. Anyway sorry for the long walltext I just have a lot of opinions on Shakespeare lolHoodie
WOOOYou also just sent me spiraling about something 0qβpathfinder
@Hoodie if i dont get it its not something to b understood and is just universe lore !!!!!!!Hoodie
@bunnirot lmao same yeppers i am like βim so smartβ and if i dont understand one thing i go β ur a bitch and stupid bruhβojvp8todβbunnirot
that shit was bonkers and i think I'm smarter than everyone else so i like to think i understood itand yeah he's p overrated lmao
@Junebug I think much ado about nothing is good only bc its just people being dramatic lmaoHoodie
@Junebug he really is. I thought romeo and juliet would be good but theyre just a βlove at first sightβ which like, yeah, maybe hes the first one with that prompt, but sorry Shakespeare your scenarios are very overused and stigmatized now and theyre boring-Junebug
I just don't understand shakespeare. I think he's overrated tbh