I just want to sleep.....


I didn’t sleep at all last night,and my mom and I made a deal,to help get my sleep schedule back on track,if I take a nap she will wake me up in 2-3 hours. But when I tried to go to sleep my brother turned on the tv,turned the volume up,and wouldn’t let me sleep.and then I started to go back to feeling tired but my brother decided then was the perfect time to tell me to do stuff. My brother annoyed me so much that I went upstairs and now my sis is downstairs. So I either stay up here and sleep and f*ck up my schedule or I go downstairs get atleast 1 hour of sleep if I can even go to sleep because of my siblings. Sometimes I really hate my siblings -_-

  • Published June 22, 2020, 09:52
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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