when me,my dad,my sis,and my mom all went on a walk around our town,we started talking about relationships and then my dad chose that time as a perfect time to start being homophobic and he started saying some homophobic things.
since we weren't that close to our home me and my sis couldn't go anywhere and just sat there listening to what he was saying,we ended up just staying quiet until the subject was changed.
@Roseken great minds think alike 😎Roseken
@B1zarr3 niceeeeeB1zarr3
@B1zarr3 I thought of this comment before I read the title-B1zarr3
@TheMaineAnimator yeejust trying new stuff
diffrent style?_J_M_
@Roseken correct, my comments cannot be pecked, they aren't seeds.Roseken
@_J_M_ your comments are impeccable right now_J_M_
who's comfort and why they drawin?