

i randomly just started feeling depressed and just started thinking of things. like,if i tell anyone about my problems or emotions,would they just think im lying and trying to get attention? am i just lying to myself and i really don't have any of these problems? does my parents already know and are just trying to ignore it? if i died how many people would actually care? my mom,she said im the one who best knows my body so why is she telling me im wrong about my insomnia? does my dad know about me and FNAF's sexualitys and he's being homophobic while we're around just to try and make us think being pan/bi-ace is bad? is my brother really acting nice again or is it all a trick?

  • Published May 20, 2020, 13:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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