hhh I need water it calms my anxiety but my substitute teacher said that if I'm not diabetic it doesn't matter so yeah
I'm prolly gonna start crying and that teacher is gonna be like, "wtf is wrong with this thing:" because I never say that I'm not ok, especially not to teachers
@Star_The_Meergon itswater
I should be able
to get *water*
@AutumnandTord Welp, I already hate that teacher for not even let you get a drink of waterCloversys
hhhI need water
it calms my anxiety
but my substitute teacher said that if I'm not diabetic it doesn't matter
so yeah
I'm prolly gonna start crying and that teacher is gonna be like, "wtf is wrong with this thing:" because I never say that I'm not ok, especially not to teachers
@scottishunicorn thank youprolly won't but still
good luck fam, i hope all goes well in the end qmqCloversys
@Star_The_Meergon hhhThanks
That sounds awful man I'm sorry you are going through this I wish I could help