Day 1


The writing in this journal may be shaky, either from my increasing excitement or the carriage shaking along the cobblestone street. It is most likely a mixture of both, I must say. The Inquisitors have visited my home, for my birthday was belayed due to sickness, ergo I could not attend the uniform annual Occupation Ceremony. The Inquisitors have tested me, and I am proved to be a Magician of sorts. They said they felt my mana, which is the magical power one contains within themselves. They will test my level later, but I am still happy even if I get level three or lower. I have mana. For years my family was told they would not bear a child with mana, and were forever forsaken as commoners. I digress, that is not in the least true. For here I am, a Magician. The ride is getting ot be shakier, dear journal, so I will tell you everything tomorrow. Thank you, Jeremy Baker

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