i try to write a song.


Trapped in a spiral causing me to fall down like a broken bottle of ketamine enthralled in a world that i can never exist in it's only a supported delusion oh oh oh~ how the fantasy falls apart as i cry out in part, knowing i did this to myself the back bird flies away as does any tangible destiny i reach for the sky, only to fall what a tragic spiral graph of such mournful events my life, my heart in the wicked eye of the beholder oh oh oh~ how the fantasy falls apart as i cry out in part, knowing i did this to myself i deserve it, oh i think i do branded on false hope and paranoid thoughts let go, let go of me please after all, i am too far gone off the balcony take flight, head north unlike the other birds unlike the other birds, oh how unlike the other birds i don't know how to fly on my own it is destiny.

  • Published December 20, 2019, 10:21
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Poetrie
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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