little update!!


i wont be on much tomorrow !! im gonna be going on a field trip to see The Three Musketeers, and then when i get back, i have to spend an extra 2 hours at school because i have detention. im probably gonna be super tired from the whole thing, so for all i know i might end up crashing when i finally get home tomorrow, well see just wanted to let yall know in case i dont respond to pms for a few hours also! im going to be messing around with colors more often. if my posts look ugly or messy, im probably aware of it. i just post ugly shit because im lazy or im trying to give off a vibe ive been told by a lot of people that my coloring is flat and bland, so im going to be mixing shit up, and im also gonna try doing more lineless work, or ill do thinner line art for my work (so i dont rely on it to contain my work when it comes to my coloring and shading). i hope yall understand and find some amusement out of some shitty palettes ill be using later on

  • Published November 13, 2018, 21:08
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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