okay so if you dont know friday night funkin... just leave. but if you do, i have an awesome collab idea. pretty much, its a music video. i got the idea from this: so its that but we all put in our own characters singing instead! i will most likely be the start of the chain. you only get one part in the song, which is whenever the one character you selected appears in the song. character selection: tankman (taken by dominator_virus) bf daddy dearest mommy must murder pico (taken by drumcat) senpai (taken by codex) garcello annie zardy skid & pump whitty (taken by bionicle.exe) carol sarvente ruv ex-gf sky tricky hex (taken by THE_EATANIC) you CANNOT choose characters that have been or were selected, unless someone backs out. this is the song that will be used for the music video collab: this event will end in 2 months. so on october 24th

  • Published August 24, 2021, 19:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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