vent about transphobes

By Kaden

aka my parents i guess they discovered the trans podcast i was listening to. and im sure all of you know im a trans guy, but if you dont, i am. anyways, my mom deleted everything on my phone basically, even the appstore which was a dick move. so basically my mom sat me down and ranted about jesus and how i needed him. oh shit. i pretended to be interested because im athiest. she asked me if i wanted jesus in my heart. i usually give in to peer pressure and she was really pressuring me and guilt tripping me but i said no. that was badass of me. she ranted that i wasnt transgender and nor am i pansexual. she says im doing it to fill the godsized hole in my heart. if there is a hole that big in my heart, i dont have a body to begin with. i just sat there in an athiest silence. she literally just said "honey you are a girl, you dress like a girl(bitch pls), you act like girl(how does a girl "act"), you like female things(technically the truth cuz i like girls lmao) she said i wasnt even a tomboy, which is true bc im an actual boy. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH and she kept going on and on about how i need jesus and that i might go to hell. idc. she even brought out the waterworks. i am not falling for her guilt-tripping manipulative power hold. and idc if i got to hell or not. idc about any of their gods. all of the Christians ive been surrounded with, ever are extremely toxic. i dont wanna be a part of that. i'll just pray to my lord and savior big chungus and yes he is a dead meme but thats whatever. sometimes i have this fantasy, that like when im an adult and like maybe 25, ill show up to a family gathering testosteroned up and had my top and bottom surgery and a really cool decent beard. and they'll be all like "oh honey what did you do" and ill grin bc idk but of course this is just a fantasy and prob wont become reality. my mom says ill be more confident in my feminine self if im taught to do makeup and hair properly and given girly clothes. thats totally how that works. im fixed now. hallelujah im going to heaven. bitch shut the fuck up im running away after my fourteenth birthday in a couple months. someone get me out of here please!

  • Published January 27, 2021, 07:46
  • in The Swamp
  • in Lows in life
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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