I just recently began realizing...

By _J_M_

That I'm popular??? Like, it's odd??? I'm starting to fit in with the popular kids more??? It's really fuckin weird cause I'm actually a really boring person... but like- People seem to genuinely look up to me and get inspired by me... it confuses me so as-to how I got here. I always used to joke that I was A Fucking looser and that I didn't care. And quite honestly, that was true. I don't care if I'm popular or not tbh. but like- I WAS basically an outcast for most of my life- Why am I suddenly feeling like an idol... like someone others look up to... seriously... Now don't think I'm going to try and be more "Fan Friendly" fuck that wishy-washy bullshit to be honest. Ima keep bein me. I'm going to keep being a fucking weird nutjob. But like- How and Why tf am I getting popular?

  • Published March 07, 2020, 19:14
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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