"Breaking News! Potatos were a scheme planted by the Russian Government to cause the collapse of capitalism!" "Only, On channel 13 1/3"
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@Awkward__Artist too bad.Awkward__Artist
@_J_M_ Well I didn't consent to that._J_M_
@Awkward__Artist not according to him, according to him only the government can regulate consent, and also he wishes to tear down all forms of government( unless, of course, it does exactly what he wants it too)Awkward__Artist
@_J_M_ Nah. I already got consent._J_M_
@Awkward__Artist then you're violating your own fluids.Awkward__Artist
@_J_M_ What if I drown in my own fluids?_J_M_
@fusion325 ✨That's just how it is hun✨_J_M_
@Awkward__Artist They you would violating the water, how rude!Awkward__Artist
What if I were to dr0wn?fusion325
you're getting cancelled for existing, sorry 😔Roseken
@_J_M_ okay. im sorry._J_M_
@rubberduckie doesn't matter, you're violating the earthrubberduckie
@_J_M_ the earth and i go way back, my great-grand trilobite and the earth were besties_J_M_
@rubberduckie Your body being used as fertilizer is desrepectfull towards the earth, because when did the earth consent to having you be a part of it?rubberduckie
@_J_M_ dont worry, i will allow the plants to use my body as fertilizer so they can be happier :)_J_M_
@rubberduckie Your lack of breathing is disrespectful towards the plants that worked hard to make that air.rubberduckie
jokes on himi dont know how to breathe 😎