For Calamity was his name. Borne unto the house of Powers, Dedicated unto the house of Sparrow. While Scorpio flinched upon the child she birthed, knowing it would lead to empire's ruin, Sagittarius showed no such movement. It did not matter to him that his castle would fall, for his walls were made merely of mud and grass. And the freedom that came with the ruin of the walls that caged him would be far greater than the power that Scorpio's walls imposed unto her own kin.
Time Spent on Piece: 1 1/2 hours
Character Name: Aliknak Powers
Inspiration: And just some general Brainstorming stuff in regards to the DND campaign Aliknak is from. Wrote the small excerpt above prior to starting this piece. Also, his playlist:
@chipz nochipz
be my pet catCodex
okay fine by meTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat sure thingdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator @TheDiamondCat @GreenHoodiedAnimator kill meGreenHoodiedAnimator
Impending doom approaches...TheDiamondCat
i already did