

so, thanksgiving is weird this year. Usually, i'm at my dad's parent's house. but, cause of ..problems... that didn't happen. so, I am at my moms house.
it is way different! so, we ate at like, one. weird. while we were eating, we got christmas crackers. i love christmas crackers!! our grandparents are from britain, so, they have a lot of weird traditions. aka, no idea what thnaksgiving really is. also, it's kind of our christmas dinner with them. so, our moms said, well, we'll get those this year, because it's your thanksgiving trafition. in all of them were crowns. mine was purple, lisa's waas green, momma red's was red, and sammy's was yellow. so, it all matched with our colors. awesome, right. i love crowns.
then, we went to our neighbors house. they have three kids, one of whom is in college, Lena, but she ggoes to the college in town, so, yeah. she was there. then, there's Evie, she goes to the highschool, she's a sophomore. and cy, who is my brother's age, but in a grade below him. he's my brother's best friend. so, there was the mom's mother, the mom's brother-in-law and his sons(her sister couldn't come), the mom and dad's(they work together) coworker, and his coworkers either sister or daughter, and her boyfriend.
a third of the people there were not born in America. it was interesting, and fun. we played a game claaed codenames, then had dessert, then gossiped about how momma red grew up in a cult, the english teacher at the highschool who tells her students all of her drama, and the mom's and grandmother's family history. which is so sad.
anyway, it was fun. and i'm tired.
happy thanksgiving!!
oh, and of course we watched the macy's thanksgiving day parade!! it was fun!!!
and no, i didn't eat enough. i hate thanksgiving food, but i will still eat it. just, very small portions.
i really just hate food, let's b honest.

  • Published Published November 28, 2019, 20:33
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
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