corrianne and daniel


Corri stepped into the pizzeria, looking for the young boy who wanted advice. He had messaged her on an internet platform asking for help. Something about a curse. Corri knew about curses. She had been caught in one for ages. she also knew about love. The boy was sitting with a pizza in front of him. He waved at her and the went back to looking at his phone. Corri did not yet quite understand phones, having been trapped underground for hundreds of years. maybe. Gabby and Kyrie hadn't really written down any dates, and people hadn't kept a great record of history. Corri didn't trust theempire's records, and whileCharlie and the rest of the historians werenice, theystill didn't have a clear understanding of what had happened,due to the less of the empire. "Hello Daniel," said Corri "Hi! I got pepperoni, I hope that isn't too bad," said Daniel "What's pepperoni?" asked Corri "Little circles ofmeat?" suggested Daniel "Yeha, sure. So, what's your problem?" asked Corri "I'm i lovewith my soulmate's best friend," he started, head on his hands. "I didn't think soulmates were a thing?" said Corris said, "Is that something new?" "technically,they're not. just in this town, we already have our storys written for us. My father is the one who writes all of the storys," said Daniel sullenly. "So, you have to follow these storys?" said Corri "Yes. or everything goes horribly," said Daniel,"My friend, Coralie, doesn't really follow it, but the end of her story already sucks, so she doesn't care," said Daniel "How long do these storyslast?" asked Corri "Till the end of school. graduation," said Daniel "Are you trying to pretend to be in love?" asked Corri "We're trying. but Cressida is new, and doesn't care. she's trying to be 'in love' when my father's there, but she is not a good actor," said daniel "Oh.that sucks. I do not know how to help. I had to hide myrelationship for a little while, but I didn't also have to keep up another one. Maybe consider talking to someone else," said Corri "I'll try. Anyway, what's your favorite book," asked Daniel "oh, there's this one.." ***** this was fun to write!! Now I'm going to try to add these all into the world, cause I am still world building a lot. also, told me more about the characters. also, sorry that the chairs are floating and for whatever corri is wearing.

  • Published August 03, 2020, 12:31
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Story Book High
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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