Bitches be crazy


Swat you get for beating up that poor cop bitch. Also stab me in the back and I'll cut your hands of then slowly tear open ur arms. Hurt me and you'll end up with your life at my mercy. I can be nice and I don't start problems but just because ypu win a battle with me well hunny you'll loose the war Just a friendly warning don't bite me because I will bite back. I play like I'm helpless and nice and weak but if you really cross my boundaries I'll fuck up your life and you better belive it. I am not nice. It takes a lot to cross that boundary though sp don't worry. But even if ur the love of my life ill hurt you if you hurt me to much hehge Hope this scared yall

  • Published July 12, 2020, 16:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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