Update: Add Fonts to Animations!


That's right folks, Drawn finally allows more fonts to be added to animations...any from the 900+ Google Fonts available!!! (check them out at https://fonts.google.com/ ) There's a catch, though. Each font you want to add will cost you 40 Koin. Changed your mind about a font? No worries. If you want to remove a font from an animation before you publish it, you'll be refunded the 40 Koin. The Font Manager is only available to logged-in users, and as with audio, you'll need to save a draft of your animation at least once before you can add additional fonts. The Font Manager can be accessed from the gear menu on the animation (above the play button), or when editing a text field by clicking on the "Get more fonts..." button. Select a font to see a preview of it and decide if you want to add it to your animation. As usual, new features mean new bugs, so let me know if you see any. Also if none of this is clear, #updates #drawn #fonts #font

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