The tribute chapter 19. Bonding

By X

Lucas came to the window where Chaos sat, and placed the plate of food next to him. "Breakfast." He says. Chaos nods and takes the plate, pulling it in front of him. "Thanks." Lucas sits down next to him and rests his head on his hands. Chaos eats in silence. They begin to talk, first about things they liked, and then about their duties as princes. They talked for longer than they thought they would, the sun reached its peak before they realized this. Chaos realized something during that time. Maybe the two of them were more similar than he thought. "You know, monster." Lucas said. "You're not so bad." Chaos smirked. "You're not so bad yourself, flesh-bag." Lucas rolled his eyes. "How are we supposed to be friends if you talk to me like that?" Chaos stuck out his tongue. They smiled at each other, before smelling something strange. "Do you smell that?" Lucas asked. Chaos wrinkled his nose. "I have a much more powerful sense of smell then you, so yeah." Lucas looked up, to see some kind of purple cloud hovering over them. "What's that?" He says, pointing up. Chaos looks up, and yawns. "I don't know. but its smell is kinda relaxing." Lucas nods drowsily, already slipping into a hazy state. As his eyes blurred over, he said one last thing to Chaos. It was muffled and mumbled, but Chaos heard it all the same. Lucas watched Chaos blush, before they both passed out on the windowsill.

  • Published Published November 20, 2019, 17:50
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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