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By Hoodie

Good Morning, Good Evening, audience. Hope everyone is well :) Songs of the Week (song, name) Cooks - Still Woozy https://youtu.be/bXoC_VhzX9I Sinking - Jeremy Zucker https://youtu.be/vR48KTHQU80 Line of Sight - ODESZA https://youtu.be/dSCVpjqqykI Random Creator: Darkn_sss, on Twitch and TikTok. Some Updates Here’s my twitter! I mostly retweet and comment on things, but I try putting my really good digital art there :D https://mobile.twitter.com/?lang=en ( the link came out wierd, lmk if you guys got it or not ) Me and my two friends from school found the stronghold together- I might get my first Minecraft win! :D ( dont you dare roast me I missed the first phase okay-) I was going to post this earlier, but I was busyyyy So i changed the date, so sorry for how late this is. :) Question of this post is.. Do you enjoy digital art or traditional art more? And how are you guys! I hope you ate and drank water, got at least some sleep, and I hope you all stay safe. Make sure you are keeping your hopes up for Texas and other states as well that are stuck in the snow with no power. Stay safe, I love you all, you matter <3

  • Published February 19, 2021, 01:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Extras
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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