thank you + hoodie reveal

By Hoodie

( its been like a month since I’ve had it, and i feel bad bc I didnt do anything, i was going to make a huge animation for it, but school got in the way, so animation was and is delayed! Sorry ^^`) Hello everyone, I want to thank you from the bottom of my dead heart for giving me 100 followers. I started on here and thought I would quickly forget about it, like I do with other things. But this site and its community really grew on me.. huh... I love you all so so much okay? Just know that. I love you. Dont make it too wierd. BUT I LOVE YOU OKAY- I am so grateful for all of you, this is one of the rare things that gave me comfort in 2020, and thank you for being a part of it. From this place I’ve made friends I cherish so much, as well as others that I’ve known, I’ve grown closer with them. Thank you all so much * sobs * OKAY TIME TO FIESTA DO BIALEGO RANA BISHESSSS And here... Is... The moment you’ve been waiting for.... My Hoodie Reveal - This is only ONE* of them, maybe I’ll post more as time goes on. Before I skedaddle, a quick round of applause to @J_M_ for finding the existence of this site. Your awesome :)

  • Published January 28, 2021, 18:19
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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